
Dott. Enrico Benelli

Via delle Rose, 28, Padova (PD) Italia

My clinical interest mainly regards adults, couples, families, and particularly the development of lacking parenting skills.

I’ve been a teaching and supervising transactional analyst (PTSTA) since 2015. I teach Dynamic Psychology at the University of Padua, after five years spent at the University of Chieti-Pescara as a ‘Psychodiagnosis and research methodology in psychotherapy’ teacher. I’ve been coordinating with EATA a research in Italy to recognize TA among scientific psychotherapies as an Empirically Supported Treatment since 2013.

Together with ITACA I contribute to this research applying it to the developmental age field.



TA Treatment of Depression: A Hermeneutic Single-Case Efficacy Design Study -‘Luisa’, 2016; ’Penelope’, 2016; ’Sara’, 2016

Hermeneutic Single Case Efficacy Design: A systematic review of published research and current standards., Testing, Psychometrics, Methodology , 2015

Impact on children of a parent with ALS: a case-control study, 2015